Allow me to introduce myself…


I know many of you already “know” me and know what I do for a living…




I have a few newbies here, plus


In this episode, I’m doing a little re-introduction of sorts to let you all know the who, what, when, where and why of ME. 


Let me just say that in the past couple of years, a LOT has changed.


I pretty much flipped the script entirely on the “diet” world that I used to promote. 


Here’s why…


I knew something had to change...SO, I changed it. 


Over the past 2 ½ years I have taken a deeper dive into what TRUE HEALTH and NUTRITION really is. I have gone through extensive nutrition and life coaching training and have taken a deeper dive into the HOW, WHAT and WHY of our struggles with weight loss, body image, and our relationship with food. 


So...go ahead and take a listen and allow me to introduce myself.