How many diets have you been on in the past? How many have you actually QUIT? Heck, some of us quit before we even get started...that right there, may be a sign…


In this episode I’m going to be giving you 3 TOP REASONS why you need to QUIT on your diet, and by that I mean, completely GIVE UP DIETING!!! I know, it sounds crazy BUT hear me out. 


I was at a point where I felt like I was on a diet more than I wasn’t YET I wasn’t seeing any changes, which was a bit frustrating. I knew something had to change…


It was time that I QUIT my diet!!


Here are my top 3 reasons WHY we need to QUIT THE DIET!!


Diets do not address WHY you struggle with emotions or over eat. They will never help you get to the ROOT cause of your struggles…no matter how many you try.


All the years of dieting kept me in DIET PRISON...I swore I was obsessing left and right over what I was and wasn’t supposed to eat. What the hell kind of life is that to live? 


Diets don’t teach you how to listen to your body. It seems they have you fighting your body left and right...don’t eat this, don’t eat after this time, don’t eat more than this. What ever happened to eating when you are hungry? That’s a sign your body is trying to tell you something. 


I can tell you one thing for sure. If any of those 3 reasons sound crazy to you, you are JUST LIKE ME! I didn’t believe it. Each time I just went looking for the “next one” that would fix me. 


News flash: You cannot solve your food and body issues with the same harmful “DIET MENTALITY” mindset that got you in the mess in the first place. 




If this is an area that you feel you may need some help in, please feel free to reach out and let’s have a chat. 

[email protected]


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