Can’t seem to stay motivated long enough to hit your weight loss goals? 

I got you…


In this episode I’ll be talking about 12 help you stay motivated on your weightloss journey. 


I feel in order to see actually REAL sustainable results, we have to be willing to invest in ourselves. 


Being motivated and knowing your WHY is important for your long term success.

With the proper tools and support you can find and stay motivated and hit your weight loss goals. 


Knowing WHY you want to start a weight loss journey is the most important...I can tell you that is TIP NUMBER one. You need to be clear on your goals and define ALL the reasons behind them. Make sure your goals are realistic (#2). You have to be real and honest because this prevents the burn out that seems to have us all “Falling off the wagon” time and time again. 


When you can take the baby steps (#3)  in the right direction of your goals you’ll be celebrating your success. It’s all about progress, not perfection (#10) and understanding that there will be a few obstacles in the way that will try to stop you. When you have a plan and allow these challenges, you can develop coping skills ( #9) and easily push through anything that may try to stand in your way.


We all have different motivating factors and knowing them and being able to APPLY them to our lives can make a huge difference if and when we feel like giving up. 

P.S...Want to join a group of supportive women? Come join us in our private Facebook group... HEALTHY LIVING...   Nutrition & Exercise Tips for lasting weight loss and lifestyle balance...

This group is specifically for women who want and need a different approach to health. An approach that starts from the inside, out!