Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms. Its a hard job with no days off but when you are doing it right it is the most rewarding. For all of those who do not have their mom or have a strained relationship with their mom I am sending love your way


With it being Mother's Day I wanted to make sure that I had the mother of all mothers on and included my mom. We talk about going no contact, the frustration of not seeing your mom from her perspective, the good. bad, and indifferent when it comes to motherhood and so much more.


My mother was born in Youngstown Ohio. She is a wife, mother, daughter, and sister. She has always been involved in the arts with dreams of being a renowned dancer. She turned in her dancing shoes shortly after my twin and I was born. Through her various life lessons she has overcome homelessness, drug addiction, and more. Rhonda is also starting her new online encouragement and motivation called The Pit Stop.


We talk about her being a single mom, her life as a mom to the twins aka me and my sister and her life with my brother. As a single mother at one point one recurring theme with self esteem and more kept creeking up


It's also my birthday today. You can gift me with a free review on wherever you are listening to this episode on


This week is also Children's Mental Health and it's important to support the young folks in your life.


Also follow me on all socials as Toitimeblog