Dana Underwood is a career coach who focuses on helping women show up in their careers and lives in a way that brings fulfillment to them.

The goal of her company Avanti Alliance is to help women find careers on their terms. Careers that fit their lives, not the other way around. She offers support through one on one coaching, as a job concierge helping with all aspects of the search and application process. She also works with clients on getting clear about what it is they really want from their career, and their life. Not what they THINK they should want but what actually makes them happy!

Today on the podcast we chat about finding fulfilment in our careers as working moms, and the steps we can take TODAY to work toward that fulfilment. Life is just too short to be miserable in your career!

I know I’ve been in that place before; where I was pretty unhappy in my job and wasn’t even sure what I could do next. It takes some soul-searching, but you are definitely able to figure out your next step in your career.

Listen on for some great, actionable tips!

Follow Dana on Instagram @avanti_alliance

Check out her career coaching programs and resources at Avanti Alliance

Check out her free workbook on getting clear about what you REALLY WANT from your career.

Get Career Clarity

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