Who’s back home and losing my trauma recovery footing? This guy! 

When we left off, I was talking trauma and triggers caused by revisiting my roots. What’s happened since then? Instead of fleeing from my discomfort for the safety of Atlanta.... I’ve been doing a lot of experimenting. These are the trials and the results in managing my trauma responses in my most triggering environment. Am I pulling it together this time? Or falling apart, like so many times in the past?

To share your experience revisiting difficult places and relationships, get in touch through the site, instagram, or FB group! I’d love to hear about YOUR trauma recovery, and so would a lot of Traumatized Motherfuckers. Don't keep your experience to yourself - help someone who needs to hear that they aren't alone.

Search the Socials and DM me @ traumatizedmotherfuckers, visit www.t-mfrs.com to use the Contact pages, or just send me an email at [email protected]. Talk to you soon!


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