After another long hiatus (this time actually warranted), Alex and Simon
are back to commemorate the 1st anniversary of Gameinsight! They welcome on
John Tarr as a guest, and discuss how far their sites and the industry have
come in the past year, and provide some thoughts on what the landscape
might look like a year from now.  

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Theme: Special Intro and Ride to Victory

Community Callback

Jeff Gertsmann's Interview

AngryJoe's Gaming Journalism Discussion

Reading Between Yahtzee's Lines

Steam Offline Mode Troubles

How Far We've Come

WGG Com-Cast Episode 1: Science and Religion, Best Friends

First Com-cast Pitch

Our Original Blog Site (now just redirect page)

Weekend Short-TakesMindshareSynoptic Sitreps (waiting for Sparknotes name)Natural Double d20sNew website entering second phase from a blogger siteAlways new project ideas and content on the wayHow Far They've Come

Renewed commitment to scheduled Drink AlongsPremature EvaluationsTrailer Talk and Trailers of the WeekA unified typography set and youtube end screens10,000 videos and 100,000 subscribers brokenLivestreams are returning, the podcast going through soul-searching

Where It’s Come

Wii U out, PS4 announced, Xbox v. Next soon to comeNew beginnings as the first non-Bungie Halo game was releasedAlso some finales as AC3 ended poorly and THQ went bankrupt

Where It’ll GoHome for the holidays? Will both Next-gen consoles be out by Christmas?GTA V vs. Saint's Row 4, will it be a purple dildo sword fight to the death?Will Ubisoft follow EA and Activision into the yearly franchise arena with AC 4?