On this episode of the Com-cast, Simon and Alex welcome on Andrew Alliance,
founder of The Show Radio gaming site and podcast, to read and discuss
listener feedback, and then move to tackle another complex topic submitted
by Whiplash... on revisiting the Mass Effect 3 ending, and where Mass
Effect 4 might go.  

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Theme: The End Run and Purgatory

TOPICS Community Callback

Andrew/Uriyya's Website

The Show Radio Podcast on iTunes

Solifluktion's German vs. Rest of World CoD

The era of Japanese consumer electronics giants is dead

Mass Effect Redux... Again

Mass Effect 3 Ending Discussion: Whiplash and Brother

What are your thoughts on Whiplash's brother's opinion? Is the ending explained away by Shepard being unconscious? Is a "brutal" ending something that breaks the mold and should be welcomed? Where will Mass Effect 4 go? Backwards, forwards, or sideways?