On this episode of the Com-cast, Simon and Alex welcome on Andrew Alliance,
founder of The Show Radio gaming site and podcast, to read and discuss
listener feedback, and then move to tackle another complex topic submitted
by Whiplash... on revisiting the Mass Effect 3 ending, and where Mass
Effect 4 might go.

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Theme: Hazardous Environment & Taps

TOPICSCommunity Callback

Many Wars in One, ‘The Second World War,’ by Antony Beevor

Let's See the Big Picture

• Do traditional Steam gamers have a real use for BPM?
• Will BPM significantly alter Valve's focus in the long run?
• If BPM is the final version of the Steambox OS, does it have enough software-wise to separate it from the pack?
• Will the Steambox have other services like Netflix, ESPN, etc? Or will it be gaming only?
• What demographic is the Steambox/BPM aiming for?