Show highlights include:

Why Herbalife and BeachBody supplements are the lowest quality, most dangerous supplements you can buy (5:16)  Beware of your local “nutrition shops” that disguise snake-oil supplements loaded with sugar and processed junk as healthy (7:18)  How multi-level marketing and pyramid schemes dupe innocent customers and damage the entire supplement industry (13:07)  The jarring story of a 23-year-old woman who passed away because of heavy metals in Herbalife’s weight loss shakes (13:58)  4 non-negotiable reasons to never buy supplements from a multi-level marketing company again (15:49) 

If you want to learn more about Perspire Sauna Studios and how infrared saunas can optimize your health, check out their website here: You can also follow them on Instagram here: or send them an email at [email protected]

If you’d like to implement a mobility routine in your morning routine, you can check out the free guide I created for you here:

If you’re interested in taking supplements, but don’t know where to start, head over to and get your own personalized supplement assessment. 

One of the most underrated ways to train your body is with bodyweight movements. That’s why I created the Bodyweight Muscles Training Program. You can have great workouts without needing a barbell or a gym membership. You can grab your free copy of the program over at

If you’re looking for a leg day workout plan that is perfect for beginners and those with bad knees, go to get your free workouts. . 

If you’d like to try the Adaptogenic Probiotic supplement mentioned in today’s show, head over to to find them. And you can save 30% on your first purchase with the coupon code CoachKatieDanger at checkout! 

If you’ve already purchased supplements from Red H Nutrition, then use the coupon code Podcast20 to save an additional 20% on your future orders. 

Or if you need help creating a supplement program, send me an email at  [email protected] and I’ll be happy to help you. 

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