Show highlights include:

Want to lose weight? Here’s the easy way to do it in 24 hours or less (3:06) How a juice fast makes you more creative and productive (3:45)  2 delicious juice recipes that will make your next 24 hour juice fast a breeze (7:13)  The “Journal Secret” that unlocks several a-ha moments that’s particularly powerful during a juice fast (10:52) 

If you’d like a deeper dive into how to get the most impact from your juice fast, grab my free PDF book at

If you’re interested in taking supplements, but don’t know where to start, head over to and get my free guide covering the top 10 best supplements or check out my 81-page intermittent fasting ebook. 

One of the most underrated ways to train your body is with bodyweight movements. That’s why I created the Bodyweight Muscles Training Program. You can have great workouts without needing a barbell or a gym membership. You can grab your free copy of the program over at

If you’re looking for a leg day workout plan that is perfect for beginners and those with bad knees, go to get your free workouts. . 

If you’d like to try any of the supplements mentioned in this show, head over to to find them. And you can save 30% with the coupon code CoachKatieDanger at checkout! 

Or if you need help creating a supplement program, send me an email at  [email protected] and I’ll be happy to help you. 

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