Welcome to my second interview and I am honored to introduce my dad, Leslie Aigner, to the podcast! Since he and my mom are the reasons that I have created Clear Choices, it is only fitting that they are my first two interviews on the podcast. If you haven't listened to Episode 1, please go back and hear my mom's interview.
Leslie was born in 1929 in Nové Zámky, Czechoslovakia. His family moved to Csepel, Budapest, in the early 1940's to escape the oppressive Nazi discrimination against Jews. Unfortunately, this was just the beginning of the horrific treatment my father, his family, and millions of other people faced because of their religion. On this episode, you will hear how, through some amazing choices and a few miracles, my dad lived through and survived four concentration camps including Aushwitz and Dachau. You will also hear how he met my mother, immigrated to America, began a new life and family, and created a legacy for many generations to come.

"There were many of these small decisions. I don't know why, it's not the smarts but I made it just for gut feeling that I had to do this."

"Being a survivor, I count every day my blessings and appreciate life more than anyone and I wanted to prove myself. Every day to learn something, embrace people- regardless of their background or religion or color and just embrace everything."

In this episode, you will hear:
- My dad's testimony of his survival through the Holocaust, how he met my mother, and their immigration to America
- The choice they made to begin telling their difficult history to help others and create an amazing legacy
- How my dad's horrific Holocaust experience created in him a profound appreciation for people, life, and his blessings

Thank you so much for listening! Please subscribe to the show, leave a review, and share it with a friend.

If you have a guest idea or want to connect with me, please visit my website www.clearchoices.live or find me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Clear-Choices-104719800920939/. I am also available for speaking engagements.

Other resources and links mentioned in this episode:





"Night" by Elie Wiesel