Welcome to the Clear Choices podcast!
35,000- that is a big number! Did you know that that is the number of decisions an average American makes every day? 35,000! With that many decisions every day, how can we be confident that we make the best ones?
My name is Rob Aigner and I have created this podcast to help you- and me- discover how we can make choices that will enable us to create our best lives and make a positive impact in the world.
Inspired by my parents and their incredible testimony of their Holocaust survival, I feel called to provide this platform to find out how people make their choices and how those choices effect their lives. You can expect to hear from people who have faced daunting and challenging scenarios, but because of their choices, have come through stronger, wiser, and better for it. We can all learn from them.

"The Clear Choices podcast is your vehicle to meet inspiring individuals who have made the bold choices to elevate their lives. Our goal with each episode is to elevate yours as well."

In this episode, you will hear:
- Who I am and why I am creating this podcast
- How my parents incredible history inspired me to start this podcast
- What you can expect to hear each week and why you should listen

Thank you so much for listening! Please subscribe to the show, leave a review, and share it with a friend.

If you have a guest idea or want to connect with me, please visit my website www.clearchoices.live or find me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Clear-Choices-104719800920939/. I am also available for speaking engagements.