Hello Friend!

I book, working on a beginner homesteading course, gathering animals on our farm and running kids with sports and yet I have been able to easily keep up with keeping a clean house. 

I will tell you that I still have an enclosed trailer sitting in my yard that we have not emptied yet and to tell you the truth-I really don’t want to add anything else to our home right now.   I’m leaving that stuff to do during the winter when we seem to have a little more down time!

Where are you on your declutter journey?  Have you started?  Do you need to start?  It is so satisfying to me to remove items from our home, but I remember when I was in my 20s with 3 young kids, that was hard, but money was so tight and I had more of a scarcity mentality back then, but I havent’ had that for years now.  

Let me help you get started so you can spend less time cleaning and more time enjoying the people around you or the things you love.

Start wherever you think will be the easiest.  For me, it is always the bathroom.  If you use something, keep it, but if you haven’t used an item in a while donate or toss it.  Get rid of old makeup you don’t wear and jewelry you never wear.  There is no reason to keep anything that just makes you more work.  How many towels do you need?  1 or 2 per person that uses the bathroom is more than enough.  Go through each and every item with a garbage bag and a donation box.  This will take some time, but you will be so glad you did this so you don’t have to manage all that stuff. In this process, you will create a big mess, so if you don’t have a whole lot of time, just start with a few drawers or what you can complete and then next time start where you left off.  Next go to a room that you want to get done and do the same thing, maybe start with drawers in the kitchen and then cupboards as you have time and then fridge.  


If you truely want to free up your time from cleaning, you have to declutter otherwise you just continue to organize time after time.  I love this minimal life and I think you will too!  You clear your mental load just by eliminating clutter!  Make this a must do task to start your new year out right and if you need some tips or coaching, let me know and I would love to help you out! 


Here is to a decluttered home in 2024!  




Email -> [email protected]

Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/