Hey Beautiful Friend!

The world tells you your beauty isn’t valued unless you show zero wrinkles, imperfections or blemishes, but I want you to embrace your natural, God given, unique, normal, beautiful self.  There is beauty in simple and natural.  God looks at the heart, not at outward appearances.  

The comparison trap is real  It is alot of pressure to keep up in today’s society .I could compare all day long to my business competitors, but I know that I am me and you friend are you.  Be YOU!  Be all God created you to be!  He will reward you 10 fold!

Let your beauty shine!  I have only worn foundation a few times in my life and my husband just hates it on anyone and I have never liked the feel of it and yes, I do have age spots and blemishes, but I have never been one to place value on surface things.  Beauty is an inside job!  

I talk to my teens about the chemicals that people put on their skin and how it is absorbed straight into their body, so hopefully they learn the importance of what they put on their skin and don’t make the choice to use anything that isn’t completely natural.  It can affect energy, hormones, auto immune disorders, among many other problems.

I will provide the QR code below of a great natural skincare if you want to start using pure and natural products without the toxins.  Ill also provide the natural home qr code too if you are interested in that.

What are some things you can do to change your natural beauty.  Do some research and look at ingredients.  Many countries wouldn’t even be allowed to sell some of the products we use here in the us.  

 If you want to wear a little mascara, just make sure it is completely natural.  It is worth paying a little money up front so hopefully you don’t end up paying for thousands of dollars down the road on dr bills from disease.

Get out your Bible and learn who you are in Christ.  Write them down and read them every day.


1.You are a child of God

2.You are chosen, holy, and beloved

3.You are God’s workmanship created to produce good works

You friend, are so precious to God and I don’t want you to ever forget it!  So strip yourself of outward beauty and start shining today!!!!!!




Email -> [email protected]

Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/

You Tube -> https://www.youtube.com/@claimingsimplicity/ 


DIY Cleaners ->https://claiming-simplicity.ck.page/best-diy-cleaners


Natural Home  -> https://doterra.me/m7PuHL

Natural Skin Care -> https://doterra.me/G41E52 


Let me know if you have any questions!
