Hey Friend

I just want to give you a recap of my year of rarely being on social media.  I do have a few groups I am a part of, but for the most part, I have not missed it at all!  I have posted on occasion on Instagram for others to see what is going on, but I honestly forget all about social media and since I am not on there posting consistently, people don’t even see the content when I do post, so it is not a focus at all for my business!  Crazy thing is that my business this last year has grown faster than ever, so I like to focus my time on what is working and put my energy there and this next year it is not going to be on social platforms.  

Benefits I have noticed without social media:

More free time

More time to do hobbies

More family time

Business growth

Less Stress with trying to keep posting every day at least 5 times to be seen!

Downfalls are that I don’t see pictures of family and friends and unaware of many events-which I guess can be good and bad-there is NO Fear of Missing out, but there has been a few times I wished I would have known about an event that would have been fun to go to, but that is really minor!


I’m going to evaluate this next year and see how I can build an online community of like minded ladies off of social media, so if you have a favorite way that you are doing it or a favorite platform, I would love to hear about it! 

I’m building my VIP group through email so you can get all the tidbits to help you simplify and discounts before anyone else knows about them!

Chat tomorrow!




Email -> [email protected]

Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/

You Tube -> https://www.youtube.com/@claimingsimplicity/

DIY Cleaners ->https://claiming-simplicity.ck.page/best-diy-cleaners