Isn't it great to be back at work?! No place I'd rather be and you're the best person I could hope to see. Did everyone have a good 4th? Lazlo had a good time but he's little "tired" today. *The top things parents care about today are a lot different than the things parents cared about thirty years ago. That's probably not an entirely bad thing. *Doomscrolling!!! An NHL goalie was killed by fireworks this weekend. Bank tellers really do have dye packs and they really do use them. Putin just made one of the most bizarre flexes ever. A shooting on a golf course three people dead and all of us confused. *You addicted to anything? What would say you're most addicted to? Plenty of Americans are addicted to plenty of things but we've only got time to go over the starting roster. *True or False-It's illegal to drive your car with the interior lights on at night. *Julia almost forgot to tell us the big news!! We just learned that Bennifer 2.0 is ________. Also, why is Britney still not free? *In your opinion, which celebrity had the hardest fall from Grace? I vote Josh Duggar. That guy really had it all going for him. *That's it! It's a million degrees in this office again so I'm gonna say ciao! -Everybody Wang Chung!!!! 

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Isn't it great to be back at work?! No place I'd rather be and you're the best person I could hope to see. Did everyone have a good 4th? Lazlo had a good time but he's little "tired" today. *The top things parents care about today are a lot different than the things parents cared about thirty years ago. That's probably not an entirely bad thing. *Doomscrolling!!! An NHL goalie was killed by fireworks this weekend. Bank tellers really do have dye packs and they really do use them. Putin just made one of the most bizarre flexes ever. A shooting on a golf course three people dead and all of us confused. *You addicted to anything? What would say you're most addicted to? Plenty of Americans are addicted to plenty of things but we've only got time to go over the starting roster. *True or False-It's illegal to drive your car with the interior lights on at night. *Julia almost forgot to tell us the big news!! We just learned that Bennifer 2.0 is ________. Also, why is Britney still not free? *In your opinion, which celebrity had the hardest fall from Grace? I vote Josh Duggar. That guy really had it all going for him. *That's it! It's a million degrees in this office again so I'm gonna say ciao! -Everybody Wang Chung!!!! 

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