Christian Men at Work Podcast artwork

Christian Men at Work Podcast

221 episodes - English - Latest episode: 5 months ago - ★★★★★ - 15 ratings

Dave Hilgendorf from interviews men from all walks of life who are choosing daily to be led by the Holy Spirit and live out their Christian faith at their work and because of that they are leading, prospering, glorifying God, and experiencing joy and purpose in their work, and you can too. Have you bought into the lie that your work has no real significance or meaning beyond a paycheck? How about the lie that the time you spend working is not kingdom work and not part of God's plan unless you're a full-time pastor or missionary or you're volunteering at your local church? The Devil is thrilled when you spend your work day feeling like the work you do is somehow second class spiritually. In this podcast I interview Christian men who have made a simple choice, regardless of what particular denomination their church is a part of and regardless of their job title. That simple choice is to invite the Holy Spirit to lead them at their job and in so doing to surrender their work, the biggest part of their life in terms of time, to God. The various reasons why they've made that choice may be different for every man but I believe there are two primary common reasons. The first is they know both from scripture and from a feeling deep down inside that this is God's will for them. The second reason is they know that this is the only chance they have of having a job and a career that really means something beyond simply earning money. This is the one and only way to have a sense of joy and purpose in the work they do. What kind of work they do and whether their work lines up well with their desires, talents, and strengths are both important, but they pale in comparison to whether or not God is in their work. God must be at the center of your work or your work truly will be the necessary evil the world and the Devil wants you to believe it is. The men I interview don't have it all figured out (none of us do!) and I encourage them to be real and transparent about both the victories and struggles of their journey of being Spirit led at their work. Hopefully, in this way, you'll find someone and something in every episode that you can relate to and through which God can help guide you to be closer to Him and more fulfilled and joyful in your daily worklife. Your work can truly be marketplace ministry and much more.

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Vision for Life with Jason Pierce-CMAW220

February 05, 2024 17:37 - 37 minutes - 22.9 MB

Contact Jason at [email protected] Videos: The Why of It All Alan Watts What do you desire?

Real Estate Investing with Brett Snodgrass-CMAW219

December 26, 2023 01:47 - 52 minutes - 48.9 MB

AI with Luke Richey-CMAW218

November 26, 2023 16:50 - 45 minutes - 20.2 MB

For more info contact [email protected] Luke Richey began coding software at the age of 14, a foundation upon which he has built a life dedicated to businesses that bring society and technology into the future. His broad understanding of the industry, paired with a passion for both integrity and optimization within the business domain, led him to create many successful startups.         In 2009, after selling his business to a gaming company, he co-founded Gravity Jack with a visi...

Get and Give Feedback-Selah113-CMAW217

November 13, 2023 01:39 - 7 minutes - 7.86 MB

Get and Give Feedback Surveys from Lowe’s to just about everywhere online Why? Because it’s so important to not just work efficiently but to make sure you’re pursuing the right objective and in the right manner I manage projects and critical aspect of my job is defining early and accurately what my customer or stakeholder needs and wants as project deliverables Making assumptions or rushing to the execution phase are two big errors which lead to poor results and damaged business rela...

110% at Work-Selah112-CMAW216

November 02, 2023 01:20 - 9 minutes - 8.99 MB

An overused phrase is to give 110% effort. What does that mean when we think of living out our faith through our work Well, I can't spell that out in a cookie cutter fashion that applies to everyone in all circumstances, but I know it when I see it This morning I saw it. I’ll use a different name, Bob. Bob took my biometrics, all good except high blood pressure . I told him I had a lot of stress. He went on for about 10 minutes sharing with me his philosophy. Like extending your arm ...

Unseen, Seen, Unseen-Selah111-CMAW215

August 27, 2023 15:45 - 12 minutes - 11.7 MB

Phil 4:8 "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things" During my self-help days, I often heard "You are what you think about all day long" or as it says in proverbs 23:7 "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he" What should we think about, or focus on, in this...

One Measure of a Man-Selah110-CMAW214

August 20, 2023 14:44 - 5 minutes - 5.46 MB

52 minutes.  One measure of a man and his life.   Red was the name he went by, from the color of his hair, but his name was Roger.   I met Red early on in my current job.   Our paths crossed due to our work, but we connected and enjoyed our time together based on our common love for God, for family, and for conservative politics. While my shift away from focusing on politics change in recent years and I haven't been assigned jobs that had me working with Red as often, we still ...

Father Filtering Being Content-Selah109-CMAW213

August 06, 2023 15:26 - 4 minutes - 4.85 MB

And he said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, And naked shall I return there. The Lord  gave, and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord.” Job 1:21 If we recognize the Father is the filter between us and any blessings in our lives, whether material or otherwise, we will have the proper perspective. In Ecc Solomon talks about how our material things will pass on to others and not go with us when we die. We are truly stewards not owners of the things in our lives. A...

Father Filtering Service-Saleh108-CMAW212

July 30, 2023 15:25 - 3 minutes - 3.82 MB

And Jesus answered and said to him, “Get behind Me, Satan!  For it is written,  ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’  ” Luke 4:8 Yeshua says to Satan here that we should only serve Yah, and yet Yeshua demonstrated serving others and called us to do the same. Friend when serving wife says it’s for Him not her Don’t have to keep score who’s giving more if we’re filtering our service through the Father, if we’re considering all of our service being for Hi...

Fathering Filtering Speech-Selah107-CMAW211

July 23, 2023 15:22 - 6 minutes - 6.66 MB

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit “ Prov 18:21 “a fool’s voice is known by his many words.” Ecclesiastes 5:3 “In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, But he who restrains his lips is wise” - Prov 10:19 James 1:19 says " let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath;" In corporate prayer my Pastor Julio Calderon challenged us to make sure that anything we say that day be more beautiful than silence I've tal...

Fathering Filtering Sight-Selah106-CMAW210

July 16, 2023 14:55 - 6 minutes - 6.2 MB

Father Filter 4 parts: Sight, Speech, Service, Being Content Each will be brief but felt best to split them up so you could focus on each specific topic and make an application in your life rather than taking them all on at once. Term I heard from Dr Joe Martin Beyond “what would Jesus do” and trying to be like Him, but rather about literally partnering with Him in our walk here in the flesh as justified but ongoing sanctified children of Yah Josh 1:9 says "do not be afraid, nor be...

Liking Gap at Work-Selah105-CMAW209

July 10, 2023 02:55 - 7 minutes - 7.07 MB

NPR Hidden brain Interview lady Erica Boothby social illusions, liking gap, invisibility cloak illusion In conversation we overestimate negative thoughts toward us, observing we understanding how much they’re noticing us Good to ask questions Think less of us and more of them Giving compliments help dismantle liking gap for other person Just listened to a fascinating interview on NPR and thought that you would have appreciated it. The show was “Hidden Brain” and he interviewed Er...

4 Work Tips from Gen 33-Selah104-CMAW208

June 12, 2023 01:54 - 16 minutes - 13.9 MB

Work Tips from Genesis 33 1. Glorify God and esteem Him for all the people and things with which He has blessed me 2. Consider others with the goals I pursue and the pace with which I pursue them 3. Keep in my mind always the end goal to arrive safely in the place God has intended for me as well as those with whom He has entrusted me with. 4. Along the journey, have a giving heart and esteem others above myself.   Follow up to prevent a dreaded meeting outcome Avoid the worst: Ho...

Jokic vs Kroc-Selah103-CMAW207

June 04, 2023 17:53 - 9 minutes - 9.18 MB

S God's voice stills you, Satan's voice rushes you God's voice leads you, Satan's voice pushes you God's voice reassures you, Satan's voice frightens you God's voice enlightens you, Satan's voice confuses you God's voice encourages you, Satan's voice discourages you God's voice comforts you, Satan's voice worries you God's voice calms you, Satan's voice obsesses you God's voice convicts you, Satan's voice condemns you   From Greg Pruett's interview: Confusion-Me Conde...

Hearing from God with Greg Pruett-CMAW206

May 29, 2023 15:26 - 50 minutes - 39.1 MB

Greg Pruett has served as president of Pioneer Bible Translators, based in Dallas, Texas, since January 2007. Before that, Greg, along with his wife, Rebecca, and their three children, lived in West Africa for more than 12 years, where they completed a translation of the entire Bible into the Yalunka language and shared Christ’s love with people who traditionally follow the Quran. He has a degree in civil engineering from Texas A&M and both a master’s degree and a PhD from Fuller Theological...

Principles and Whistles-Selah102-CMAW205

May 22, 2023 00:01 - 5 minutes - 4.91 MB

You may have wondered when you saw the title what principles and whistles have to do with faith at work Perhaps you thought I would talk about living out your faith as a principal of a school, or since we’re in the middle of the NBA playoffs I might talk sharing Christ while blowing a whistle as a basketball referee. Well, neither would be correct. First of all the principles I’m talking about are spelled with an les on the end not an al. I heard a message recently from a friend and ...

Pandemic Study with Adam Rasmussen-CMAW204

May 16, 2023 00:09 - 47 minutes - 36.3 MB

Which Direction-Selah101-CMAW203

May 01, 2023 01:12 - 7 minutes - 6.85 MB

Want to be distressed, look within myself, at my own power. Want to be defeated, look behind me, at my past. The enemy is happy to remind me of all my sin and mistakes. Want to be dismayed, look ahead, to the future. No one but God knows what will be. Want to be distracted, look around. There are plenty of things to keep our focus.   Want to be delivered, sanctified, and transformed, then look up. Keep my eyes on Jesus.     Article on better meetings called "Don’t let the ‘D...

2 Ways to Win at Work-Selah100-CMAW202

April 24, 2023 00:33 - 3 minutes - 3.71 MB

Save Your Marriage with Jerry Jacobs-CMAW201

April 17, 2023 01:11 - 44 minutes - 30.5 MB

2 Steps to Laugh-Selah98-CMAW200

April 10, 2023 00:34

Topic of laughter, I want to talk about two steps that are essential to experiencing laughter. Neither of these two steps are to hear or experience something funny, though that certainly often helps us to laugh. The great thing about these two things are that unlike hearing something funny, these two things are under our own control. The first thing is to think positively. It sounds simple and it is. It also sounds secular, something you can read about in any self help book, but it’s defin...


April 03, 2023 00:59 - 5 minutes - 5.25 MB

I have a gift for you today, something that will provide you peace in a way that few things can. That gift is the awareness of the power of forgiveness Forgiveness from AJ Boncore interview on RealMenConnect podcast, he said there are 3 levels of forgiveness Upward, Inward, Outward Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting it to kill someone else My thoughts Need the first two to get to the outward Ideally we’d get the first two as done deal, and focus on outward the re...

Two Testimonies-Selah96-CMAW198

March 27, 2023 01:41 - 4 minutes - 4.21 MB

Your Two Testimonies Your past and your present First your past The first you can’t change what happened but you can change how you think about it Do you look back with regret and sadness and feel sorry for yourself and self condemned? Or instead do you see Gods hand through it all, His faithful presence, and His plan to change you and shape you through and because of your past experiences, leading you to be the man He wants you to be. Your second testimony is your present. Sto...


March 23, 2023 02:13 - 11 minutes - 10.1 MB

We want God to Be in our lives because He is the source of all blessings Like Israel we gather and do certain things looking for the blessing of God We worship, we keep the commandments Blessings are complicated, sometimes the prosperity we seek doesn’t come We often associate blessings with material vs spiritual growth Building a Life Which God Can Bless Not a believer in the law of attraction Think positive thoughts and work hard and you attract good things magically God is...


March 13, 2023 19:48 - 22 minutes - 19.1 MB

S   Change Share about separation In a spiritual war for the last 6 months Denial, negotiating attempts with God and others, counseling Come to a few conclusions It doesn’t matter what portion of this situation is from my actions vs someone else, in fact it’s futile and you could say to devote any energy to something you cannot control other than turning it over to Yah in prayer is foolish Where my primary focus should be is to change what I can change, ie what I actually hav...

Rocky 2-Selah93-CMAW195

March 06, 2023 01:24 - 9 minutes - 8.92 MB

S Lessons from Rocky 2   E Lessons from Rocky 2. Work Pray before work-Prayer from priest before going to fight, prayed that if he gets beat up it won't be too bad Have a sense of humor Be humble Don't see anyone's work as beneath you (carrying spit pails at gym) Don't put your work before your family Relationships Always built up Adrian and spoke well towards her and about her (heard this is important to always live by) Put his marriage before his work Arguing pl...

Quiet Time-Selah92-CMAW194

February 27, 2023 02:16 - 15 minutes - 9.53 MB

S For the last 5 months I have been challenged through the RealMen300 group I'm a part of to have a consistent quiet time with God I wanted to share a few things I have learned and offer some ideas for why you should consider adding or increasing your quiet time and some ways to go about doing it. Specifically, I'd like to talk about they Why, the What, and the How of Quiet times. Let's start with the Why. As Christians, I think we can all agree our most important relationship shou...

What Shall We Do-Selah91-CMAW193

January 29, 2023 20:28 - 12 minutes - 7.89 MB

S A couple follow-up thoughts from the last Selah Episode #90, CMAW191. In that episode I talked about God's Master Plan that including 4 steps: 1. Redemption 2. Baptism 3. Tutoring, Sanctification 4. With Freedom, choosing to whom we will be slave In Luke 3:7-14, I read this week an interesting passage about the 3rd step of sanctification.  This passage takes us to John the Baptist, where he's preaching the multitudes a message of repentance. 7 Then he said to the multitudes ...

Truplay Gaming with Brent Dusing-CMAW192

January 22, 2023 19:20 - 32 minutes - 19.3 MB

Brent Dusing is the CEO and founder of TruPlay, a gaming platform created to bring high-quality, fun and biblically-sound entertainment to audiences worldwide.     Over his career, Dusing has been featured on CNN, Fox News, ABC News, The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, USA Today, Entertainment Weekly and other news media.   In addition to the latest NFTs and upcoming gaming projects, the CEO and founder of Truplay, Brent Dusing, is a thought leader in the space of protecting c...

False Freedom-Selah90-CMAW191

January 17, 2023 00:02 - 18 minutes - 11.2 MB

Based on the weekly Parashat Torah reading called Shemot, which includes Ex 1-6 I'll be borowing several ideas for this Selah from a teaching on this week's Parshat reading by Roger Hadad from the Mikdash Congregation in High Point, NC. The title of Roger's teaching was Slave or Slave, You Choose, which is a great title, but I'm titling this Selah episode False Freedom. In America we're all about Freedom and our individual rights, and while there's some truth and good in that, there's ...

Share Your Story with Erin Ahnfeldt-CMAW190

January 08, 2023 20:48 - 50 minutes - 29.5 MB

Q&A When and how did you come to faith in Christ? I’ve heard so much about Wheaton over the years. Tell us a little about the college as well as why you chose to go there for your Masters and about your experience there? When did you decide to be a teacher and why? Did you intentionally choose to teach in public schools vs private education? When did you decide to start writing stories about your teaching experience?  What do you like most about sharing your stories? Can you sh...

Second Chances-Selah89-CMAW189

January 03, 2023 03:01 - 14 minutes - 9.24 MB

S Second chances  Work and home In the area of work, I've shared with you all how I spent this past year in receiving correction at work and how I received a second chance. Fortunately God worked through me to humble myself, receive the correction, make improvements, and I've ended up a better worker and better at what I do than before, and that has been validated by the same people who were earlier being critical of me.  At the same time I've been appreciating my job more than ever be...

Groundhog Day-Selah88-CMAW188

December 26, 2022 00:44 - 9 minutes - 6.5 MB

S Groundhog Day Recently watched spent 4 hours watching TV and gained some great spiritual lessons. I've been purposing to keep my screen time at a lower level to allow for other more important activities, but these were four hours well spent. The first two hours were spent watching the first two episodes of season 3 of The Chosen.  I'm not going to talk about those episodes other than to say that I highly recommend watching every episode that's been made of this series, if you haven...

Power in Prison with Steven Snook-CMAW187

December 13, 2022 00:10 - 1 hour - 37.9 MB

Steven Snook is an author, entrepreneur, inspirational and educational speaker. He served 19 years in federal prison for nonviolent drug crimes. During his incarceration he was born again and received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, becoming a minister of the gospel of Jesus to society's worst. Upon his release from prison in February, 2022, he has been a guest lecturer at colleges, including Bradley University. He started a company, based off of a dream he received from The Lord, that makes...


October 17, 2022 23:55 - 6 minutes - 5.67 MB

S   Prov 18:24 "A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother"   Prov 27:7 "As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend."   Luke 8:21 "But He answered and said to them, “My mother and My brothers are these who hear the word of God and do it.”"   Levels of relationships video   E   L And they did not ask for an accounting from the men into whose hand th...

Milestone to Manhood with Steven Arms-CMAW185

September 27, 2022 00:06 - 42 minutes - 32.6 MB

Be Dangerous Good with Kenny Luck-CMAW184

September 18, 2022 23:49 - 27 minutes - 16.7 MB


September 12, 2022 00:48 - 12 minutes - 11.6 MB

S Unity John 17:20-26 "I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who j]">[j]will believe in Me through their word; 21 that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. 22 And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: 23 I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and ha...

Your Purpose-Selah85-CMAW182

August 15, 2022 01:36 - 5 minutes - 4.95 MB

Deut 4:27-31 And the Lord will scatter you among the peoples, and you will be left few in number among the nations where the Lord will drive you. 28 And there you will serve gods, the work of men’s hands, wood and stone, which neither see nor hear nor eat nor smell. 29 But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul. 30 When you are in i]">[i]distress, and all these things come upon you in the latter days, whe...

Dream Job-Selah84-CMAW181

August 08, 2022 01:42 - 5 minutes - 5.38 MB

S Dream job - in my recent interveiw with Ron Johnson, he said that early in his career, he concluded that his job as a customer service rep wasn't the perfect job, but it was the perfect job for him to practice imitating Christ.   I'm very thankful for my job right now for many reasons, some are natural and some are spiritual.   I feel that God has gifted me with my job.    I'm also at an age where I think about when I'll retire, if Yeshua tarries and we don't enter fairly soon int...

HSE, ESG and YHWH-Selah83-CMAW180

July 31, 2022 23:16 - 10 minutes - 9.57 MB

S HSE, ESG, and YHWH We're told, either directly or indirectly, that there's no place for religion or faith in the workplace, or another way of saying this is that we should be focused on our company's goals and not our own religion when we're working.  I actually heard an executive say in a Town Hall meeting with employees once "leave your religion at home." I don't know if you've noticed, but there's an increasing focus in the workplace, particularly among larger corporations, on goa...

Customer Service with Ron Johnson-CMAW179

July 25, 2022 00:32 - 55 minutes - 38.7 MB

By day, Ron Johnson works in a customer service call center soothing angry customers and helping them resolve issues with their accounts; by night, he teaches philosophy at a local college and writes books and articles inviting readers to consider their place in the Big Picture.    Q&A: Give us a brief overview of your relationship with Christ from childhood until now. You start the book acknowledging that many people think of CSR’s as the bad guys.  Why does that stereotype exist an...


July 18, 2022 05:00 - 7 minutes - 6.87 MB

S   Faithfulness- admin 49 yes message spoke about not just time but how well she did her job. I had 5yr anniversary, longest since first full-time job with General Mills and Real estate investor, each about 7 years. Celebrate value of sticking with someone or some organization. Also celebrated 16 yr anniversary big deal for me given had trouble committing in early years. Reminder of how faithful God is, covenants and promises (see MTOI teaching on the difference),

Train, Serve, Teach-Selah81-CMAW177

July 10, 2022 23:07 - 10 minutes - 9.6 MB

S   1-29-train, 30-50-serve, 51+ teach   E   Walmart eruption, co-worker said to me that one was employee not supposed to be o cuss while wearing the blue vest  Who do we represent, as an employee (as to the Lord), also thought about Proverbs 29:11 "A fool vents all his feelings, But a wise man holds them back." Fireproof scene, doesn’t just happen out of nothing whether marriage or any other relationship    L   “So we built the wall, and the entire wall was joined toge...

Fixing Everything-Selah80-CMAW176

June 08, 2022 01:54 - 10 minutes - 6.67 MB

S   Church sign Duct tape works great but 3 nails fixed everything  Bumper sticker phrases or nowadays could say Meme phrases have their place, capturing deeper meaning in simple phrase could say that about parables though that’s not truly accurate, Yahusha said was to hide a meaning Engineering Sign can be modified  Deeper than it seems He fixed everything, He is fixing everything and He will fix everything  Same yesterday, today and tomorrow  Never changes Outside time ...

Random Thoughts-Selah79-CMAW175

May 30, 2022 21:03 - 10 minutes - 9.72 MB

S   Some random unrelated thoughts today. Links to last Torah Talk   Dress well, Goodwill Treasure your wife, greatest asset next to your Heavenly Father, much more important than your work and your career. Don't treat her the same way you do your co-workers.  What do I mean by that?  Well, I'm not saying you should treat your co-workers badly, of course.  As we've often said on this podcast, a huge part of our calling in the workplace is simply t...

Humility or Boldness at Work-Selah 78-CMAW174

May 16, 2022 02:20 - 8 minutes - 7.19 MB

S   Ecclesiastes 3:1 says "To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:" I heard my pastor Cam Huxford about 17 years ago at Savannah Christian church now Compassion Church preach a series on the Paradox of the Kingdom of God, of how in so many ways the Kingdom is the opposite of what we would think on our own. For example you must die in order to live and if you give you will receive.  There is much more to this than what I just shared and I probably need t...


May 09, 2022 00:29 - 12 minutes - 12.2 MB

S Update on Podcast. I apologize for not consistently publishing weekly. Don't like to use the excuse of being busy because I believe everyone's busy and we make time for what's important to us. I think the biggest reason is I've been struggling a bit with the vision for the podcast. I love doing interviews and I love the topic of faith at work, but haven't felt like the interview possibilities that have come my way were a good fit, and I personally have been spending my own learni...

Counting the Omer-Selah75-CMAW172

April 18, 2022 01:03 - 8 minutes - 7.67 MB

S   I want to talk about Safety in the workplace-I work in manufacturing and  it’s good to think about tactics and tools but it’s also good to think about the Why behind safety. I work in manufacturing and I’ve seen this Why of safety addressed in different ways and usually is a tug in our heart strings or playing in our sense of guilt but talking about how your family needs you to come home safe. I’d like to address the Why of Safety at a higher level, that safety is about maintaining a...

Are You Clean-Selah74-CMAW171

April 11, 2022 01:34 - 14 minutes - 12.9 MB

S I recently gave a talk at my church and I really enjoyed preparing for that and giving the talk and thought the topic would be a good one for us to discuss on this podcast.   I'll provide a link to the entire talk which was streamed on Youtube and lasts over an hour. I encourage you to check it out since there's a lot more discussion in that than we'll have time for you on this podcast.   My intent with this Selah episode is to hit the main points from that talk, and to make som...

Twitter Mentions

@warrencolesmith 1 Episode