S Update on Podcast. I apologize for not consistently publishing weekly. Don't like to use the excuse of being busy because I believe everyone's busy and we make time for what's important to us. I think the biggest reason is I've been struggling a bit with the vision for the podcast. I love doing interviews and I love the topic of faith at work, but haven't felt like the interview possibilities that have come my way were a good fit, and I personally have been spending my own learning time digging into topics related to my Messianic beliefs, end times prophecy as it relates to current events, and God's calendar, specifically learning about the Zadoc calendar. I feel like I owe to you, my listeners, however, to be consistent with the content you've come to expect, and I know recently I've veared off topic from the faith at work topics and delved into some of these topics I'm personally passionate about. I don't want to turn this podcast into whatever is on my mind and want to stay consistent to the theme.  I've thought about starting a 2nd podcast or maybe a Youtube channel to dig into some of these other topics I'm interested, but I'm don't have the time to do that right now. My intent is to get back on track to publishing regularly and try to begin doing interviews again. Been lavishly giving out CMAD cards. Received a form of that from one manager who complimented me while copying on the email my boss. Thought about the importance 1 Corinthians 13:7, talking about agape or God type of love “bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” It’s easy to find fault in others at work, and sometimes corrections are needed though if you’re an individual contributor like me and don’t have direct reports you probably don’t need to be correcting anybody. When someone gives me an attaboy I find it very motivating and inspiring and helps me to enjoy my day and be more thankful. It just so happens that a video popped up in my Youtube feed by John Gottman called Making Marriage Work.  He listed 4 what he called the 4 horseman of the Apocalypse when it comes to marriage, i.e. 4 behaviors that were strong predictors of divorce.  #3 on his list, which he said was the greatest predictor of divorce, was Feeling and showing disrespect and contempt for your spouse.  He said this was different than just being critical and involved feeling superior to your spouse. The opposite of that, the behavior of people he called the Masters, who had successful marriages, had respect and were proud of the people they loved, creating a culture of appreciation, catching your partner doing something right, it was a reminder to me that while marriage may be our most important relationship on earth, because we spend of our time at work and because we can potentially interact with so many people at work, our work relationships are very important as well, and the lessons that we can learn from the Bible and good teachers about these relationships will often apply to both our family relationships and our work relationships. Jesus is all about relationships.  It's why He created us and why He died for us. If you want to be reminded about the heart of your Savior for You, read John 17 sometime.  What He called the 2 greatest commandments are to Love God and Love Others and the 10 commandments and all the laws in the Torah can be tied to those 2 commandments, which are both all about relationships.   E Decided against the essentials primarily because I didn’t have peace about the idea of selecting a few verses as being more important than others. I feel like as Christians we already do enough of what done have called Bible nuggets where we focus on a single verse and miss out on the context. So I’m going back to using this “E” section for what is intended originally to give an example of faith at work, though with a twist. If I don’t feel like I have a good positive example, but have a negative example, I’ll share that. This week my family and I were on a mini-vacation and out to a restaurant. The owner was making his rounds and talking to each table out on the deck. There was a couple next to us.  I overheard the owner talking to a man from the couple, I noticed he kind of ignored the man’s wife, and he was telling a fairly long story then said goodbye. I wasn’t intentionally eavesdropping but since I was playing with my baby granddaughter I overheard the man say to his wife “he absolutely didn’t want to hear anything I had to say, when I talked he said “well anyways” and went on talking. It occurred to me that from a business standpoint the owner would have been better off not talking to his customers because he made such a bad impression. It reminded how important it is for all of us in our work, whether we deal in customer service or just deal with fellow employees, to listen intently to others and focus on them and not on getting our point across.   L   But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs. But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. 1 Timothy 6:9-11 - NKJV   A https://www.patreon.com/christianmenatwork https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/christianmenatwork   H   Jokes   Why do watermelons get married? - Because they Cantaloupe