Q&A When and how did you come to faith in Christ? I’ve heard so much about Wheaton over the years. Tell us a little about the college as well as why you chose to go there for your Masters and about your experience there? When did you decide to be a teacher and why? Did you intentionally choose to teach in public schools vs private education? When did you decide to start writing stories about your teaching experience?  What do you like most about sharing your stories? Can you share one of them with us now? I understand you’re writing a book about God the author of our stories. This has actually been on my mind a lot lately as I have reflected on some poor choices I’ve made in the past but how God works all things for good as described in Romans 8:28. As you think about God shaping our stories, how do you reckon the two truths of God’s sovereignty with His gift and commitment to us of our free will? How can listeners learn more about you or contact you? Any final thoughts?