Suicide is not an option | you have a choice | #notanoption​
Don't wait until it's too late!

I want to talk to you about shifting our mindset to "suicidal" being a thought or a feeling instead of an action. It does not have to be an action. We can all come together to make Suicide NOT AN OPTION.  We need to make a decision when our head is clear, not when you are having suicidal thoughts.  I hope that you can join me in a movement for a commitment for ourselves and encourage others to also make the commitment to make suicide #notanoption​.  Make that choice today.  I am praying for you on your journey.  God Bless.  -Dr. B

Suicide prevention is all of our responsibility. Even if you have never felt suicidal, make the decision and make a commitment to yourself today that suicide is NOT AN OPTION #notanoption​. 

I want this to go viral. Too many lives are lost to suicide each year. Tens of thousands of lives. You matter! 

If you are feeling suicidal, Call 911 or National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255

Dr. Cristi Bundukamara, Ed.D, PMHNP-BC --- A Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner and a Doctor of Healthcare Education has experienced unimaginable trials that have caused many feelings such as depression, anxiety, anger, & overwhelming stress. 

However, she has developed a new pathway to Becoming Mentally Strong & Choosing to be Happy.  With purpose, Dr. B has developed the phases that were refined within the Choice Mapping System that she created and wants to share with you.