In this heartfelt podcast, join me on a journey of self-discovery and resilience as I, a psychiatric nurse practitioner, share my personal experiences with unimaginable pain and loss. Together, we'll explore how joy and pain can coexist and practical ways to find joy, even in the midst of grief and trauma.

Key Points:
- Understanding the choice of joy amidst pain
- Acknowledging the coexistence of joy and pain
- Practical strategies for navigating grief and trauma
- The significance of balance and separating elements from grief
- The importance of processing and cherishing the relationship

Whether you're grappling with your own grief or supporting someone through it, these insights provide valuable perspectives and actionable steps. Join the conversation and let's discover the strength to choose joy in the face of life's challenges.

🕐 Timestamps:
00:00 - Introduction: The coexistence of joy and pain
01:51 - Acknowledging the strength of pain and the choice of joy
02:49 - Practical steps to navigate pain and find joy
04:04 - Dialectical thinking in psychology and its role in processing grief
05:24 - Examples of dialectical thinking in personal experiences
07:17 - Balancing responsibility and processing controlled grief
09:15 - Discovering what truly brings you joy
10:45 - Reflecting on activities that bring joy, even in pain
13:01 - Striving for balance in the intensity of grief
14:45 - Separating elements from grief for effective processing
15:54 - The essence of processing grief as movement and cherishing the relationship

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#GriefAndJoy #MentalHealth #SelfDevelopment #Psychology #ChooseJoy #Resilience #PersonalGrowth