Relationship Abuse / Domestic Violence - in its many name titles, we must understand that it DOES exist and many people may not understand that there are two sides to this entanglement.  Either way, there is no excuse for it.  It is not acceptable.  But let me try and share a bit of the mental awareness of both sides from my experience.

****If you are in an Abusive Relationship or a Victim of Domestic Violence.  Seek Help Immediately:
Domestic Abuse HOTLINE  1−800−799−7233.******


Dr. Cristi Bundukamara, Ed.D, PMHNP-BC --- A Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner and a Doctor of Healthcare Education has experienced unimaginable trials that have caused many feelings such as depression, anxiety, anger, & overwhelming stress. 

However, she has developed a new pathway to Becoming Mentally Strong & Choosing to be Happy.  With purpose, Dr. B has developed the phases that were refined within the Choice Mapping System that she created and wants to share with you.