We all have experienced trauma in our lives. Whether it was the death of a loved one at an early age, constantly moving to new places due to our parents career path, or experiencing a certain level of abuse, we all have wounds from our childhood. But the good news is that God is there guiding us every step of the way to our healing journey. 


This week, I am sharing four steps to overcoming a bad childhood. I don’t believe that you or I had the worst childhood growing up. However, I do believe that we all have experienced traumatic events growing up. We don’t grow up leaving a perfect childhood behind. Because we all faced difficult challenges in our lives, it’s important that we share our experiences with one another. In order to truly heal from our past trauma, we have to dig deep and work on our healing. 


Throughout these four steps, I share how we can face our past trauma, reflect on our current beliefs, and discover forgiveness for our future. No matter what traumatic event you experienced growing up or even still facing, God will help you find freedom. 

Topics Discussed:

Different types of trauma faced during childhood  Placing our hope and trust in God through traumatic experiences Reflecting on the past and accepting past circumstances Leading by example and sharing your experiences with others How prayer leads us to forgiving others and ourselves

Connect with Rebecca Stewart:


Website: https://cheeringpastchallenges.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cheeringpastchallenges  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheeringpastchallenges/  YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/mrsbigsky/featured 



About Cheering Past Challenges Podcast:

Cheering Past Challenges is a community of individuals seeking to overcome past and current trauma by seeking spiritual solutions.


Join Host, Rebecca Stewart, as she shares her journey of taking care of her mother with Schizophrenia. By focusing on Mental Health & Wellness, Rebecca offers insight on how to care for your loved ones during the most difficult moments of their lives. 


About Unbinding Love:

“Bring purpose to your life.”


Unbinding Love is a Christian Non-Fiction book that aims to provide hope for the caregiver/family member of someone who has Schizophrenia. 


It is a heart guide of how to put yourself back on the to-do list, make the right priorities, and find yourself again so that you can thrive in your caregiving and bring purpose to your life.


Visit https://cheeringpastchallenges.com/unbinding-love/ to learn more!