Has God asked you to do something big? Whether it's a new project or a new adventure, you may be feeling like God has been asking you to do something. But, how many of us know that God is calling us to do something but we’ve been putting it off? Maybe it’s something new and exciting and we’re genuinely interested, but we’re comfortable with where we’re currently at. If there is one thing that I have learned is that no matter how hard you try to ignore your calling, it is there for a reason. 


Recently in prayer, I hear God’s calling on my life to write a book. I felt the tug in my spirit to write a book about my caregiving journey and what it’s like to care for my mother battling Schizophrenia. This wasn’t something that I could just shake. I knew deep down by following God’s call on my life, He was going to work through me. 


Maybe you’ve recently felt that gentle tug in your spirit. Many of you have big goals and dreams for your life. While it may feel uncomfortable at first, we have peace knowing that God is guiding us on this journey. The beautiful thing about our calling is that God chose us to exemplify that love to those around us. When we step into our divine purpose, we allow others to do the same. 


Topics Discussed:

Viewing discomfort as a sign to change our direction  Learning to set aside distraction to pursue God’s calling Finding peace in God’s strength when you feel ill-equipped Uplifting bible verses to empower you on your calling Stepping into your Divine Purpose but letting go of the “shoulds”

Connect with Rebecca Stewart:


Website: https://cheeringpastchallenges.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cheeringpastchallenges  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheeringpastchallenges/  YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/mrsbigsky/featured 



About Cheering Past Challenges Podcast:

Cheering Past Challenges is a community of individuals seeking to overcome past and current trauma by seeking spiritual solutions.


Join Host, Rebecca Stewart, as she shares her journey of taking care of her mother with Schizophrenia. By focusing on Mental Health & Wellness, Rebecca offers insight on how to care for your loved ones during the most difficult moments of their lives. 


About Unbinding Love:

“Bring purpose to your life.”


Unbinding Love is a Christian Non-Fiction book that aims to provide hope for the caregiver/family member of someone who has Schizophrenia. 


It is a heart guide of how to put yourself back on the to-do list, make the right priorities, and find yourself again so that you can thrive in your caregiving and bring purpose to your life.

Visit https://cheeringpastchallenges.com/unbinding-love/ to learn more!