Mike works as a Software Development Manager, which he takes his role as a servant leader. Currently the company he works at manufactures PCR machines.
PCR machines are used for DNA sequencing, and the fight against COVID. 

Finding an engineers joy to life ratio involves getting inside the mind of a team-worker and finding the intrinsic motivation for doing things. For example this could be uncovering an engineer's need to solve problems, and then pointing them in an area where that motivation can be fulfilled. 

Mike talks about his own joy that he finds in his work, and the fulfilment in the knowledge that his work is potentially saving lives. He also writes a blog on a website called oranjutanj.com. 


Mike is very clear on his own personal values, evaluating and prioritising these values every year. He is also very clear on his purpose: "To empower himself to empower others, through his knowledge of the digital sector". 

Mike talks about the parallels between being a coach and mentoring staff and individuals, and also his experiences as a father, and the need to be attached to your own children.

Give it a Go!

For Mike's escape, he enjoyed and recommends running. Mike has developed a habitual pattern in his life, whereby now if he doesn't run, it effects him a lot. His target is to try and run around 100km per month, which involves a 12km on a Sunday and two 6km runs through the week. He says that this simply helps him to unwind, and allows him to listen to so many audiobooks. 

Also recommended is the act of mindful running. There is a run that Mike enjoys that takes him up to Preston Park, which he describes as a simply beautiful run. This is a great way of dealing with feelings of stress and anxiety, and also keeping the body healthy. 

Mental Health Spotlight

Mike describes how he began to experience mental health problems around the time his eldest son turned one years old. He shares with us the struggles of trying to become the father that he felt he should be. Talking about his lowest points, he shares how his life started to feel out of control. This low, and feeling of a lack of control, led Mike to begin self-harming. 

As a mental health first-aider, Mike has learned that self-harming can be linked to feelings around lack of control. It was at this point that Mike knew that he probably needed to get help. Mike talks about how he received some counselling services through work. Mike explains that although the subject matter of the counselling chats in themselves didn't really seem to provide any benefit; the act of talking, opening up and sharing with someone did. He talks about how this was much easier talking to a stranger rather than family. This is because he didn't want family panicking or overreacting. 

He had always felt averse to taking medication or pills or anything in his body, but he ended up trying medication. The medication, although not particularly strong doses, did end up making a massive difference. 


Mike's passion is generally also his carrier, and is passionate about coaching, and in particular a particular branch of coaching called Emotional Intelligence. He explains that Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is 4x more effective than IQ, and accounts for 90% of what sets high performers apart.

Mike described Emotional Intelligence as self awareness, self regulation, motivation (leading to resilience), empathy, and social skills. He describes it as the ability to put oneself into another shoes, and understand their needs. 

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