This Hump-Day, Dump-Day was a bit short and sweet, so I decided to name this podcast just that.

Friday 17th September. 12:00 noon

Okay, what comes next? Yesterday we both came away for a little mini-break. We've stayed in a lovely hotel called the Windermere Manor Hotel. It's about 10 minute's walk from the lake. Somehow, I've managed to land a room which is detached from the hotel, and is like a little cottage with it's own garden and an outside table and chairs.

The weather, once again, despite the fact that we are in the Lake District, is perfect. Warm, with moderate cloud cover. There is a bee, which keeps coming to visit and sits with us on the table. Becky is afraid of anything that buzzes, and keeps jumping at the thought of the bee coming near her. You would think that the bee was carrying a loaded gun or a razor-sharp machete in it's hand (or in this case, leg).

Despite Becky's erratic jumping (which also makes me jump) I don't want to appear rude and for my natural hospitality to fall under scrutiny. 

Friday 17th September. 8:30pm

I was going to do this entry sooner, but Becky suggested that it might be more interesting to write this entry after the bottle of red wine that we bought before returning to our hotel room. Obviously I accepted the challenge, and the quality of my handwriting is a bit of an indicator that I maybe a little bit tipsy. 

Today was a lovely day. We have a wedding booked next year, and for the meal we are having afternoon tea. So today, Becky, myself and my parents met up at the wedding venue to sample the afternoon tea, which was lovely, and great fun. Another thing of note is that there was a middle aged couple, obviously having a first date. 

(continued on the podcast / video...)

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