Join Rollie Allaire, Holistic Life & Wellness Coach, as she connects with Tania Lopez for this week’s Chatting with Wisdom.
Chatting with Wisdom is a weekly interview series featuring amazing women. There are different ways that women are amazing. Let's celebrate that!
This week we will chat about, "How to Eliminate Feelings of Guilt, Shame and Failure When Parenting"

Tania Lopez is a Parenting coach who is a qualified and experienced teacher, counsellor and hypnotherapist. She works with mums who are at their wits end because their children challenge them at every turn by refusing to listen to them and have regular melt downs.

Tania loves helping mums to stop feeling disheartened with themselves and their parenting and to bring back some joy and fun into their own and their children's lives.

In addition, she has a new offering to support corporates to keep their talent through well-being programmes which help eliminate stress, overwhelm and guilt for over-stretched parents so they have improved focus and presence whether they are at work or home. This in turn helps improve staff morale, productivity and reduces costs of recruiting new staff in order to replace lost talent.

Tania loves working with unconscious processes as they dictate so many of our beliefs, our feelings and our actions. Conscious thoughts and actions just can't fight off those unconscious drivers until they have been disarmed. She loves to help clients release those unconscious patterns so they can navigate life in a more connected way.
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