Join Rollie Allaire, Holistic Life & Wellness Coach, as she connects with Mary McGuire for this week’s Chatting with Wisdom. Chatting with Wisdom is a weekly interview series featuring amazing women. There are different ways that women are amazing. Let's celebrate that!
This week we will chat about, "How to Authentically Grow Your Career"
Mary McGuire is the creator of The Professional Women Playbook, The Female Leaders Accelerator and author of The Female Edge and Coming Home to You. 

Her mission is to help women find their authentic success on their own terms. 

Despite leaving school with no qualifications and with few prospects she has built an impressive international career and lifestyle and is an expert in the field of transformation and female advancement. 

Using her skills and expertise, gained through working with global corporations and high performing executives, she has distilled her learning into easily applied techniques and processes that she wants to share. 

She firmly believes that women can find authentic success without compromising their values or ideals.
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