Let's Face It, No One Wants To Talk About Mental Health - The topic has many stigmas

Many people are afraid to share with coworkers because they worry about being judged, or worse, that they could lose their job. Even friends and family are often left in the dark, unaware of how symptoms of conditions such as depression and PTSD affect our daily lives.

News, television programs, and films often show people with mental illness as dangerous. Research shows news outlets are more likely to cover dramatic crimes committed by people with mental illness instead of similar crimes done by those who are not formally diagnosed.

In 2019, 1 in every 8 people, or 970 million people around the world were living with a mental disorder, with anxiety and depressive disorders the most common. In 2020, that number rose by almost 30% in just one year. While effective prevention and treatment options exist, most people with mental disorders do not have access to effective care. Many people also experience stigma, discrimination, and violations of human rights. 

What You Can Do To Help Reduce Mental Health Stigma

Researchers have identified three ways to combat stigma:

Educate yourself and others about mental illnessProtest against unfair depictions of mental illnessInteract with people who experience mental illness

So for that reason, I have the pleasure of bringing to this podcast a very accomplished woman that is devoted to changing the conversation around mental health. Sarah Fay was diagnosed with six different mental health disorders and finding no relief led her to write her journalistic memoir:  Pathological.

With her we talk about :

How are mental diagnoses created, what they are good for and what they are not good forThe stigmas attached to mental health issues, and how to helpHow to switch the conversation around mental illnesses.How she uses reframing the symptoms she feels to help herself navigate better through a crisis.We talk about whether social media has an effect on mental illnesses and the answer will surprise youHow some mental illnesses can be curedHow do we measure success and  a full lifeTwo questions she uses to not feel overwhelmed with society's pressure about success and recoveryThe importance of family support and what she recommends for those that don't have it.The importance of celebrating.What she currently does to deal with her panic attacksThe importance of recognizing your own signals

And so much more.

These are conversations we need to have, so we can all contribute to mental health.

Thank you so much for sharing your LOVE for the Podcast by sharing it with Friends, Subscribing, Rating & Leaving a Review. With Love  - Cristina

To contact Sarah Fay:

      Web: SarahFay.org
      Instagram: @sarahfayauthor
      Facebook: @sarahfayauthor
To get her book Pathological

To support the podcast:
Patreon: Patreon.com/ChangeMaker

To contact Cristina Pujol:

      LinkedIn: @cpujoljensen
      Web: TuyTuMente.com
      Instagram: @CristinaPujol7 @changemakersmind
      Instagram  of "Tú y Tu Mente": @tu_ytumente
      Facebook: @tuytumente

Music: Gonzalo Grau - Frutero Moderno
El Frutero Moderno en Spotify


To support the podcast:
Patreon: Patreon.com/ChangeMaker

To contact Cristina Pujol:

      LinkedIn: @cpujoljensen
      Web: TuyTuMente.com
      Instagram: @CristinaPujol7 @changemakersmind
      Instagram  of "Tú y Tu Mente": @tu_ytumente
      Facebook: @tuytumente

Music: Gonzalo Grau - Frutero Moderno
El Frutero Moderno en Spotify