Have you had those experiences where you get a new piece of information and suddenly your perspective changes ? 
You thought this person was one way, but now you see that she or he is totally different?

You thought that you couldn’t do something, and just a small shift in your beliefs, now feels like you can accomplish so much more ?
Or you are avoiding a stressful situation because you are not sure if you can cope with it?
Or you  always want to be happy, and then when you are  happy, you also anxiously await the end of happiness?
Sounds familiar?

We all have stories in our heads. We are all seeing the world through our pair of lenses,  that have been shaped over time through our beliefs, values, preferences, attitudes, culture and past experiences.

In this episode we will talk about what is frame of reference, why is it so important to be aware of what they are, how we create them, and how we can change them using  reframing, and how can that helps us move towards our goals, heal past situations, and empower us.

To support the podcast:
Patreon: Patreon.com/ChangeMaker

To contact Cristina Pujol:

      LinkedIn: @cpujoljensen
      Web: TuyTuMente.com
      Instagram: @CristinaPujol7 @changemakersmind @tu_ytumente
      Facebook: @tuytumente

Music: Gonzalo Grau - Frutero Moderno
El Frutero Moderno en Spotify


To support the podcast:
Patreon: Patreon.com/ChangeMaker

To contact Cristina Pujol:

      LinkedIn: @cpujoljensen
      Web: TuyTuMente.com
      Instagram: @CristinaPujol7 @changemakersmind
      Instagram  of "Tú y Tu Mente": @tu_ytumente
      Facebook: @tuytumente

Music: Gonzalo Grau - Frutero Moderno
El Frutero Moderno en Spotify