**WARNING - May contain coarse language.**


In this episode, Arthur and I chat about why it is so hard to say the name God, why God is so hard to talk about, the need for love in this world and how you are 3 people away from knowing everyone on earth.


Arthur didn’t choose entrepreneurship, it chose him. Since college his life has been a continuous journey of taking the opportunities that presented themselves. From his first venture in the mid 70’s came his first lesson in running a business. It taught him so much about balancing budgets, to understanding the importance of marketing and advertising and the significance of building and maintaining relationships.

Since then Arthur has enjoyed 40 years of following his heart into many profitable business ventures such as construction, technology, sports promotion, real estate, app development, day trading, operating a retail store, to being an advisor and counselor to businesses and people and the author of three books. These books are his passion, which is talking about and teaching the importance of relationships, loving who you are and what you do and how to find happiness, peace and success.

While there are schools of thought that say a leader must assert dominance, Arthur has always remained people-focused and heart-centered. Treating his employees and clients like they were friends. This not only makes good business sense, but also made him feel good about himself and in the long run got better results for everyone. 

In a time where there is more technology and infrastructure to create a business of our dreams, Arthur offers you the essential wisdom and people skills that transcend time. He is your coach and advisor. He is in your corner standing by your side throughout every stage of your business’s development. He is with you in managing relationships, providing leadership tools and dealing with every obstacle that may get in the way of being successful. 

There are many coaches and advisors out there, but few have the decades of real-life experience and the education that will help you be happier and more successful.

Remember this:

Your thoughts become words

Your words become actions

Your actions become habits

Your habits become your character

Your character, well it becomes your destiny

Dream big, work smart, think good thoughts, stay focused and surround yourself with good people. 

[email protected]