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***Warning - may contain coarse language.***

In this episode, Yalda and I talk about the realities of postpartum in an unapologetic way.  We also chat about the importance of style and dressing for confidence and your body shape.


Yalda Kazemi
Founder / Style & Wellness Consultant at stylEsteem Inc.
I’m Yalda, a mom, stylist, mental health advocate, entrepreneur, author/writer and editor.
I merge style and mental health to empower and educate individuals to look and feel confident while using my strategies as a method to uplift one’s mood.
Personal experience with postpartum mental illness led me on a mission to be a voice for mothers who suffer in silence; and to raise awareness and break stigmas associated with mental illness.
My goal is to continue raising awareness and breaking stigmas surrounding mental health and sharing my love of fashion as a means to further educate and inspire individuals to feel confident and uplifted.

Instagram: @stylesteem 
Email: [email protected] 
Facebook: @stylesteem