There is a balance we try to strike at the beginning of the New Year. Part of us wants to step on the gas pedal and zoom into "get sh*t done mode." While another part of us wants to stay right where we are because change or growth can be hard/exhausting. Or is this only me?

On today's podcast episoode, I talk about 3 ways you can take loving action to mindfully take charge of your new year. A way to grow and set new year intentions and goals that come from your heart and soul. An approach of how to grow and acheive from a more sustainable place of inner alignment.   

Want to learn more about The Intention Setting Party? Click here. We begin January 21st. 

I am practicing one of my Power Intentions of 2023, Deep Listening. Will you be so kind to share your thoughts/feedback about the Centered in the City podcast with me here? You can do so here in this brief survey.  I want to learn how to make this podcast even more impactful and supportive for you in 2023 and beyond. Thanks so much in advanced! 

As always, thanks for being here. I look forward to growing with you in 2023.