What does health and well-being really mean? Today on the podcast I talk to Tâmara Castelo, a specialist in Chinese Traditional Medicine and the CEO of Tâmara Castelo Clinic (in Lisbon and Porto). Tâmara shares with us the importance of listening to our bodies for signs and symptoms way before they become bigger issues. We have to re-think the way our Western world defines health. Health does not mean the opposite of disease. Health is our happiness. Tâmara inspires us to pay attention to our poop as a big indicator of what's happening inside the body. Paying attention to our poop gives us information about what types of food our body processes well (and not so well). We explore why many people with anxiety have GI and digestive issues and three different ways you can offer your body some healing. When we live in a parasympathetic nervous system state, we have access to more creativity, motivation and we can even earn more money. Take a listen to the whole podcast and share your takeaways with us on Instagram @OneWade and @tamara__castelo.


Curious to learn how to listen to your body more? Strengthening my mindfulness muscles over the years through formal and informal mindfulness practices has been a huge game changer in how I can hear/feel/know what my body is trying to communicate. It is a practice to untangle from our analytical focused world and let the body's wisdom guide us. If you are interested in strengthening your connection to your body, sign up for a complimentary connection call here to explore what working together can look like. 



TÂMARA CASTELO is a specialist in Chinese Traditional Medicine and the CEO of Tâmara Castelo Clinic (Lisbon and Porto), TMC Health, TMC Holistic and TMC Jewellery. At her clinic, Tâmara treats sleep disorders, thyroid disorders, intestine diseases, anxiety, migraines, and hormonal problems, and takes a holistic approach to healing. She is the author of Healing Without MedicineEating Without Guilt, and Full Balance—all winners of Gourmand awards. She lives in Lisbon.










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