Guest Liz Reardon shares 

Liz Reardon has been a National Trainer for Mental Health First Aid since 2008, and is one of the founding members of the National Trainer program. She has over 30 years of experience in health care, from direct service to administration and public policy development, and has worked with a wide variety of consumers, providers and policymakers as a facilitator and trainer.

As Managed Care Director for the Office of Vermont Health Access, she and her team pioneered the development of Medical Homes for people with special health care needs, including youth in Foster Care and adults with complex mental conditions. She was appointed by Governor Howard Dean to the Legislative Commission on Psychological Trauma and served on the task force that implemented the Commission’s recommendations for Trauma-Informed care in Vermont’s Agency of Human Services. Prior to her work in State government, Liz was the Administrative Duty Officer for Operations and Emergency Services and Assistant Director for Psychiatry and Prison Health at Bellevue Hospital in New York City.

Liz studied Studio Art at Brown University and the Rhode Island School of Design and received a BA from McGill University in History and Philosophy of Science. She holds a Master of Public Health in Health Policy and Management from Columbia University. In 2017 she introduced ALGEE The Mascot for Mental Health First Aid) to the game show viewing public when she appeared on Jeopardy!
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