Are you stuck and unsure of your next career move?

We all have those moments when our stomach is filled with anticipation because you are about to do something BIG! Or maybe you are walking around on cloud nine from landing a new client or closing a big deal for your company. Those are the moments we all want to keep replaying on our highlight reel. 

Maybe it has been a while since you have had that feeling. It happens. Perhaps you are in a season where circumstances in your personal life are taking up all of your bandwidth. Or maybe you are just enjoying a little time in your comfort zone. It's great to revel in your success for a time, but if you want to grow in your career, it’s best not to settle there for too long.

But how do you find the time to plan out your 5-year plan with all the other things you have going on in life? Here’s a pro tip: You don’t have to plan that far ahead; you just need to plan your next step. That’s doable, right?

Today on Career Confessions, I’m sharing my 20-minute trick for analyzing what’s going on inside, so you can manage it, shift out of cruise control and reignite your career trajectory. Plus, I share a telltale sign from my own life that signals to me that something internal is keeping me stuck. 

Our jumbled thoughts can create a weight on our shoulders that can hold us back from all the good things in life. It doesn't have to be that way. You can reach the top and be happy with who you are when you get there. Listen in for my tips to help you make it happen.

Key Takeaways  

The key to knowing if you’ve gotten too comfortable in your current position 

Why internal shame leads to stagnated growth

How to manage what’s going on internally to speed up external career growth 

How to make room in your life for professional growth

The number one way to map out your next career move

How time in the trenches serves to make you unstoppable in your career

The secret echo effect of achieving your career goals

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