Do you want to grow your career, but feel stuck? Do you find yourself walking the line between being challenged and being overwhelmed?  

Over the years, I’ve learned that if I want to be successful in business, I need to work to understand myself and grow as a person. If I am not in tune with my thoughts, feelings, and intentions, I cannot show up as my best self to serve others. 


I have hit my fair share of bumps in the road, but I have never thought about quitting. Expanding myself out of my comfort zone keeps me performing at the highest level, but it’s never easy… and it shouldn’t be.


On this episode of Career Confessions, I share my thoughts on the growing pains I’ve experienced throughout my career and the obstacles I’ve faced as I’ve elevated myself.


Listen in as I discuss the importance of thinking ahead, investing in yourself, and staying true to your dreams. 


Key Takeaways

How I decided I needed to invest in myself to grow more businesses

Why I started working with a coach to better understand myself and serve as many people as possible

The importance of thinking ahead in all aspects of business

Why I am a better person when I’m expanding outside of my comfort zone

The difference between overwhelming yourself and challenging yourself

Why I have never thought about quitting, but instead, always strive to improve

Why we should all invest in ourselves long before we see the return on investment

The importance of staying true to your dreams even as your life evolves


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