How would your boss describe you? Do you ‘assume’ they know how hard you’re working? Or ‘hope’ they understand the value you bring?


You cannot wait for your supervisor to advocate for you. You’ve got to manage up and advocate for yourself.


Hope is not a strategy. You need a plan.


On this episode of Career Confessions, I discuss the importance of developing a healthy relationship with your boss, describing how common it is for top performers to be blindsided by a lack of support from direct supervisors.


I explain why it’s crucial to write your own brand narrative and pass it on to your boss, exploring how to get the recognition you deserve, especially in remote work.


Listen in to understand why women, in particular, need to strategize around the system to advance and find out why you should dedicate two hours a week to career strategy—so the other 38 don’t go unnoticed.


Key Takeaways  


Why it’s critical to know where you stand with your boss

How common it is for top performers to be blindsided by a lack of support from direct supervisors

The value in writing your own narrative and passing it on to your boss

Why women need to advocate for themselves and strategize around the system to advance

How to position your brand internally to make an impact in your organization

How to develop a command of the political environment at your workplace

How to get the recognition you deserve for the sacrifices you’re making (especially in remote work) 

Why it’s a mistake to think that working hard is enough


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Andrea Martin Consulting

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Positioning Yourself to Achieve Massive Career Growth on Career Confessions EP063 

How to Accelerate Your Career Trajectory on Career Confessions EP065

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