Prepare to become more amazing as you journey through wonderland, choosing your own scenery and adventure, whilst discovering your true powers and capability. Find and hold onto a beautiful unconditional love for yourself, as you grow your special skills. 

Hidden within this relaxing and calming bedtime meditation is a magical gift for you to use and integrate into your everyday life. Created lovingly for you to lie down and enjoy before a restful night´s sleep, you will be able to hypnotically practice your favorite skill and master something you have been longing to improve, from reading and sports to learning and performance.

Practicing in your mind is the key to accelerated performance and this gentle and soothing meditation is ideal for adults and children age 7 up to experience the advantage of hypnotic skills boosting. Skilled athletes, formula one racing drivers, and stage performers alike use this scientifically proven technique to enhance and boost their performance skill levels ready for competition in the real world. 

Neuroscience now tells us that your brain, body, and muscles will respond to concentrated and imagined movements in the mind, as if practicing in real life. The difference is that in the mind you do not make mistakes so only rehearse perfect versions. 

Entering your own fantasy reality will also help you to switch off, wind down and through the addition of binaural beats music set at delta wave, your brain is encouraged to enter its own natural brain wave state of deep trance, meditation, learning, and creativity. 

In trance, you can enjoy the relief of switching off your critical mind and expose your mind and body to a superior and accelerated learning experience. 

If you would like to order your own fully personalized version of one of my bedtime meditations more tailored to your own exact hobbies, skills or issues, with personal family members included, then you can visit my website : 

You may even wish to book a more interactive one-to-one hypnotic experience directly with me, where we can explore your inner landscape, and I can work online with you to safely and gently help you to achieve your future goals. Whatever they may be :))  

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