Peaceful, meditation and hypnotic sleep aid, ideal for children and young adults (age 7 up). This beautiful hypnotic meditation is specially crafted for young minds, using gentle binaural beats music with metaphor and storytelling style to help them to drift off into a deep, peaceful, and transforming sleep. Specifically designed to help anxious little minds reframe the concept of uncertainty, this wonderful bedtime audio will hypnotically strengthen their belief in their own ability to cope with life´s challenges, as well as including reinforcement of self-worth and resilience, as well as space for them to perfectly practice their own favorite past time, and a reaffirming of their family´s unconditional love. With a "choose your own adventure style", these meditations use hypnotic therapeutic language and techniques to strengthen the bonds between parent and child, and can be played at night just as your child is falling asleep. Encouraging a gentle drifting off to sleep and sound slumber with a peaceful and easy relaxing of the body and the mind. Each meditation will fully engage little or not so little imaginations, to strengthen concentration and focus, and substantially increasing body and mind connection through mindful breathing and self-awareness. This meditation includes binaural music set at delta brainwave frequency, which assists to create deep sleep, dream status, and body repair. I also have other versions of the same meditation, which are available with music set at theta brainwave frequency, the brain's natural rhythm for deep meditational states, creativity and imagination enhancement, insights, and dream state. If you would like to request a more personalised recording tailored to you or book in for a one to one session alternative products, please contact me directly at so that I can be of further assistance.


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