How to write your marketing plan with Ben Fewtrell

You have probably heard the saying that, 'if you fail to plan you plan to fail', having an effective marketing plan is key to any successful business and if you want to build your business and take it to the next level then this episode will be for you.

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In this episode I share with you a 7 step process that will show you how to write your marketing plan, after many many years in my own business and helping thousands of other business owners write an effective marketing plan I will share with you and easy step-by-step process that will make it possible for you to have your marketing plan completed today.

In this episode of Business Brain Food you will learn:

** How to identify your target markets

** What are the most effective ways to reach your ideal client

** How to know whether or not you're marketing is giving you a return on investment

** How to utilise online marketing to attract more customers

** Why you need to be on social media

** How to create a compelling offer

** How to stop competing on price

** What strategies you should use to get your message out there

Resources mentioned in this episode:

** Sign Ben Fewtrell at BusinessRICH

** Join Ben Fewtrell at Business Fast Track

** Listen to the Andrew Griffiths Podcast

** Listen to the first Ben Fewtrell solo Podcast about Sales

** Listen to Brad Sugars discuss entrepreneurship

** Ben Fewtrell gives 5 Killer tips for creating a Marketing Plan - Video

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Do you have any thoughts, opinions or questions about anything that Ben Fewtrell mentioned about helping you create a marketing plan, then leave it below in the comments section. We will read and reply to each one and would love to hear from you.

Thanks so much for listening and until next time, have a profitable day!

Cheers, Ben Fewtrell (02) 9811 5000