Exporting with Confidence with David Mumford

In this episode of the Business Brain Food podcast I speak to David Mumford from RBK Nutraceuticals about how he has built his successful exporting company. 85% of David's revenue comes from exporting his products outside of Australia. During this interview David will share some of his greatest lessons from exporting his products across the globe.

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David will also give you tips and tricks on where to go for help if you are considering exporting your products. If exporting is on your horizon this is one episode you do not want to miss.

In this episode of Business Brain Food you will learn:

** What government support is available

** Why you need to adapt to each market around the world

** Why visiting trade shows can be fruitful or a waste of time

** How and why to do your homework on your importers before entering into an agreement

** Who to go to for help if you're just starting your exporting journey

Resources mentioned in this episode:

** RBK Nutraceuticals

** CamCard

** NSW Business Chamber

** TradeStart - Austrade

** Austrade, Export Market Development Grants

** Business Fast Track

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The new iPhone 6 has just been released and as the purple buttons above advertise, we are on iTunes. But for those people out there that don't use Apple products and use an Android device, you can find and listen to each episode of the Business Brain Food Podcast on Stitcher This is a great app and you will find our podcast and many other great ones there.

Until next time, have a profitable day!

Cheers, Ben Fewtrell (02) 9811 5000