Your Book is your best Business Card with Andrew Griffiths

Andrew Griffiths is author of 12 best-selling business books and is an entrepreneur in his owns right. Andrew will be publishing his 13th book in early 2015 “The Power of Publishing” helping you to publish your knowledge and to become the key person of influence in your industry.

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During this interview, Andrew shares with you some of his greatest learnings over the last 14 years of publishing his own books, he’ll share why you should write your own book (even though it may seem an overwhelming amount of work). During this interview Andrew is super generous with his knowledge and you will walk away from this podcast with an enthusiasm to start writing your book with confidence.

He’s confident it will change your life, it sure has changed his!

In this episode of Business Brain Food you will learn:

** Why you should write your own book

** Why a book is the best business card you can have

** What is self-publishing and how to do it

** How many words your book should be

** The 3 most important aspects of writing a great book

** What areas of the publishing process you should outsource

** Where to go for help if you need it

Resources mentioned in this episode:





** Stabbed Ego, A thugs journey to enlightenment - By Luke Kennedy


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Until next time, have a profitable day.

Cheers, Ben Fewtrell