Get your Marketing Sorted with Tim Reid

Tim Reid, or more affectionately known as ‘Timbo’ is the host of Australia’s number one marketing show, ‘Small Business Big Marketing’. Tim spent 20 years in the corporate marketing world looking after global brands including Yellow Pages, Gillette and Dulux. He was marketing manager for Flight Centre and worked alongside Jim Stynes at Reach to bring to life their most profitable fundraising event ever raising over $1M.

* Press play above to listen to this weeks Podcast *

Tim has interviewed over 200 business owners on his show and is a successful business owner in his own right. During this interview you will hear about some of the successes that his guests have had and how you too can get your marketing sorted!

In this episode of Business Brain Food you will learn:

** What is ‘Branding’ v ‘Building a Brand’

** Some simple but very effective marketing strategies

** What Tim calls ‘Helpful Marketing’ and why you need to know about it!

** 5 marketing success stories

Resources mentioned in this episode:



** Subscribe to Timbo's show in iTunes

Have Ben answer your question:

Like Rob did with his question in this weeks episode of Business Brain Food, you too can leave a message for Ben Fewtrell. If you have a particular business, sales or even marketing question that you can't seem to find the answer to; click on the 'Record your Question' tab to the right and tell us what it is. If your question is chosen, not only will it be answered by Ben but you will also get a copy of Brad Sugars latest book, Buying Customers.

Until next time, have a profitable day!

Cheers, Ben Fewtrell