Figuring out “adulting” while simultaneously trying to “get your ish together HELLO TWENTIES, the best but worst playground to be on.. can I get an AMEN?!

but like are any of us doing it right..?! that WTF am I doing— it’s REAL, you’re not alone -- *BIG GULP* because these are the years that set the trajectory for the rest of our lives. Will you end up on moon or mars? You have to learn to take ADVANTAGE of the opportunities that are right in front of you.

THE BOOK REC: The Rocket Years by: Elizabeth Segran (join my email list for top 5 personal development books to navigate your 20’s)GET MY TOP 5 BOOK RECS

COMPARISON- of the “should be timeline”. Who CARES what they are doing, are you happy and PROUD of your timeline?

“STUCK” - got a degree you’re not happy with? or absolutely love your job but have a gut feeling of wanting a passion project but feel guilty for wanting more because you have “enough”?

INVESTING IN YOURSELF- the awkward transition phase of like I did all this learning but now.. what? Does your profession encourage you to continue to learn & grow? How are you growing and expanding your mind, skills, abilites? Are you invest your time, energy and money to becoming a better version of you?

Are you stuck in coast mode of your own learning?


We crave acceptance & belonging which is OKAY but setting boundaries in your relationships and doing an audit- is this serving me? is it making a positive contribution to my overall well being? are they growing with me or watching me hit the ground running?

EVERYDAY is an opportunity for a new page, new chapter, new opportuntity to change the trajectory of the rest of your life-- MAKE THE TWENTIES YOUR BEST YEARS YET <3

IG: @michaela_robertson_

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