You will leave this episode feeling INSPIRED to go build YOUR life resume. Not the kind of resume that you upload to zip recruiter or slap on the desk of your next hiring manager but the one you get to build through EXPERIENCES, PEOPLE & EMOTIONS.


Shifting your focus from adding extra letters behind your name to growing your toolbox with real life experiences


Not focusing on what other people are doing but what UNIQUE experiences make your life, yours


Truly letting yourself feel emotions & using them as a guide for what comes next


Expanding your network with people who want to GO WITH YOU


Taking the time to LISTEN to what others have to share


& truly? You get QUALIFIED for what comes next through LIVING.


After todays episode I challenge you to go out and DO one thing in the next 4-6 weeks that you always have wanted to do. Maybe its a trip, meeting up with a new person, launching a new podcast/biz idea, going on a solo date night or something in between and make it HAPPEN. Don’t just think about it, don’t just say I “should” but make a PLAN.


Tag me in what one thing YOU are adding to your life resume & I will be sharing mine soon, too over on IG @michaela_robertson_

IG: @michaela_robertson_

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Struggling with meal prep for 12 hour shifts + a busy life? Snag my fool proof step by step process and meal plan template HERE

ps: if you enjoyed this episode and found it helpful, I would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a rating and review on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Your feedback helps this podcast community grow and reach more people who can benefit from building and becoming the best version of themselves