Today we are talking about being new parents, which is a topic that's been requested by many listeners. Savini and Piper, college sweethearts from India who moved to New York City in their 20’s, share the story of having their first child in September 2019, just 6 months before the pandemic began.

They've had to navigate a lot: not only grappling with a new identity and sense of responsibility, but also navigating covid and some unexpected health challenges their son was born with.

Key takeaway: If you’re a new parent or thinking of becoming one, chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo can help you build emotional and spiritual muscle to take on anything life throws your way.


00:19 Today’s topic
1:38 Introduction to Savini and Piper
6:48 Navigating fear of parenthood
10:25 The story of Maadhav’s birth
13:40 How they chanted while pregnant
18:25 How they navigated unexpected health challenges
24:58 What it means to build resilience and confidence over time
39:18 The hardest parts of parenting
42:48 An amazing analogy for your capacity as a person
47:19 Advice for new parents
49:14 What chanting just 5 minutes can do
53:20 Guest appearance by Maadhav