Welcome to this week’s episode of Break the Record Podcast! Listen to your host Anna Turunen as she interviews Stephen Daltrey. Stephen is a therapist and performance coach working directly with executives, leaders, decision makers, and entrepreneurs. Through his company Music Industry Coaching – MIC, Stephen assists people in music to success – not by handing them a solution, but by helping them find it.


In addition, Anna and Stephen talk about why the music industry needs to be more associated with the coaching industry, why artists nowadays would benefit from having a coach, differences between working with a coach and working with a therapist, and the importance of relationships and human connections to level up your work performance and your life quality.


Key Highlights

What does it look like to be coached vs. be in therapy; Why everyone would benefit from having a coach; Common themes related to executive and entrepreneurs clients; Stephen’s 4 steps for success in life (that most people don’t know); Why creating a work persona and a non-work persona doesn’t work in the long term; Stephen’s mission with music & coaching through his company MIC;


Powerful Quotes by Stephen


“Therapy is healing the past to function today whereas coaching is about taking you from today, taking you forward towards achieving your goal.” – Stephen Daltrey


“The client is the expert, you’re not the expert. Your job is to support the person to look inside to find their answers.” – Stephen Daltrey about Coaching “The basis of leadership or being a boss is about creating relationships and the basis of all relationships is trust.” – Stephen Daltrey


Follow Stephen!

Instagram: @stephen_daltrey

Website: stephendaltrey.com


Follow Anna!

Instagram: @theannaturunen

Website: breaktherecordconsulting.com


Resources Mentioned:

High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard

The Inner Game of Tennis by W. Timothy Gallwey

Coaching Performance by John Whitmore

Free Personality Test (16 Personalities)


Anna’s reading list for powerful personal development:

Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Radical Acceptance by Tara Branch, Ph.D

Mastery by Robert Greene

12 Rules For Life by Jordan Peterson

A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi


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