In this week’s solo episode, I do my best to address what’s going on in the world following the murder of George Floyd (and Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor and . . . ), sharing more about my experience and offering some thoughts and next steps I’ve been exploring.

As a biracial American woman, I live in a Black body and I benefit from a whole lot of privilege, including white privilege. I think that's important to start with because it obviously influences everything I have to say and how I show up in the world.

I also want to note that this episode centers a lot of my experience, and much of the conversation is directed toward other people with white privilege or internalized racism.

For all of the reasons I just shared, this episode is a little more off the cuff. It’s just me talking to you.

I felt that it was important to share directly from my heart, my thoughts, my feelings, because that’s all I know. I know my own experience, my own learning (and unlearning), and my own commitment to where I go next.

In today’s episode, I dive deeper into:

My background and personal experience as a biracial Black woman in America

What I’ve experienced (and why) over the last few weeks

What I’m learning (and unlearning) about white privilege, white supremacy, the roots of racism, and how I’ve unwittingly perpetuated this system

The big life lessons — which apply to this moment, but also all aspects of life — that I’m currently remembering and integrating

Where I’ve messed up (with this podcast, in particular) . . . 

. . . and my current commitments to do better.

And, as always, so much more!

It’s my hope that something in this episode will connect with you, will touch you, will inspire you to make your own commitment to do better — for the Black community and for humanity. 

Thank you for listening.